
Do You Want to Spend Less on Concrete Floor Topping Services? Read these 5 Tips

By 11/07/2022 April 4th, 2023 No Comments

concrete floor topping servicesTopping concrete is a layer of high-strength concrete that is applied on top of an older, more worn-down concrete surface. The purpose of this layer is to generate a compact, abrasion-resistant exterior, as well as to boost the intrinsic depth and durability of the base concrete. Thus, concrete floor topping services are imperative in the construction and design industry. And employing these could either break or make your bank, depending on the measures you employ. Want to spend less on concrete floor topping services? Read these 5 tips.

Base Concrete Requirement

Prior to concrete floor topping services over an already-existing concrete surface, it is necessary to conduct a preliminary assessment. The concrete that is already there must be dense and robust. It is important to ensure that the base is clear of cracks since the topping concrete does not bridge over the fractures in the existing concrete, and as time goes on, the fissures may also become visible in the topping concrete. It is not recommended to use concrete bases that are frail and weak because they do not establish adhesion between the old and new concrete.

1. The Use of Lean Design

Refining the engineering design and intelligently specifying the materials and processes that will be used are at the heart of lean design. The goal of lean design in concrete floor topping services is to create a floorinh that is structurally sound, functionally appropriate, and long-lasting while minimising the amount of resources, time, and money expended on it. Lean design focuses on optimising the building structure in implementing concrete floor topping services.

Reducing the thickness of the floor slab before employing concrete floor topping services, minimising big beams and other transfer structures that transmit loads back into the building’s load-bearing verticals, or removing columns through the utilisation of post-tensioning are some of the methods that can be used to accomplish this goal.

2. Employ concrete with a high strength.

Numerous contractors of concrete floor topping services make use of high-strength concrete in their products. The fabricator has a greater degree of control over the quality of the prefabricated end product when using this form of concrete, despite the fact that less material is needed to provide the same level of structural strength. In addition, high-strength concrete can be utilised successfully in flooring endeavours.

3. Opt for a Strategy That is Not Traditional

Altering the implementation process in any way can also result in beneficial changes in concrete floor topping services. When applied in place of traditional formwork and reinforcing, post-tensioning techniques reduce the amount of concrete that must be used. Because fewer support columns are required, it also enables the creation of bigger floor plates that are open to the surrounding area. When the number of vertical parts is reduced, there is also a savings in the amount of material used.

4. Improved capacity for working together on the design

To arrive at the configuration that is the most effective, it is necessary to check that the process of delivery of concrete floor topping services includes an adequate amount of collaboration at the beginning. One such strategy that builders can utilise is to submit engineering designs for approval by their peers. At this time, the majority of projects do not need to comply with this regulatory requirement. An engineering design peer review, which requires just a little investment in terms of consultancy costs, can, on the other hand, result in large cost reductions through design optimisation.

5. Make Use of Modern Technology

When using a 3D model, it is also easy to see what aspects of the design can be prefabricated or employed with concrete floor topping services. The design is already electronic and more interoperable with production technology thanks to the use of 3D modelling; as a result, this process may be shortened and made more efficient.

Common Concrete Floor Topping Services Mistakes

The majority of failed concrete floor topping services can be attributed to preventable blunders in mixing or pouring the concrete. The more severe the winters are where you live, the more critical it is to steer clear of making the kinds of blunders that are discussed in this article. Inadequate approaches for working with concrete nearly always result in flaking, degradation, and premature collapse. The following are examples of common errors:

The Concrete Is Too Stale

Even though it happens less frequently, having concrete that is too dry can be just as problematic as having concrete that is too moist. The active component in concrete is cement, and in order for cement to fully cure and develop its strength, it requires a certain amount of moisture. If trowelling a sampling pile of concrete does not provide a smooth, moist, and muddy surface within three strokes of the trowel, then your concrete is probably too dry, thus making the concrete floor topping services a major fail.

Lack of Utilization of Fibers

The number of do-it-yourselfers in concrete floor topping services who are aware of concrete reinforcing fibres is far too low. Any type of concrete construction can benefit tremendously from the use of these plastic fibres, which are quite thin and relatively short. Mix the concrete as usual after adding one fluid ounce of fibres to each load of concrete in the mixing drum. The fibres disperse themselves throughout the mix and contribute to the concrete’s cohesiveness when it has hardened. They have a significant impact on the situation.

When to Trowel: Too Soon or Too Late

Finishing the concrete floor topping involves using a trowel to smooth it out and give it a pleasant surface before it solidifies. This process must be performed at exactly the proper moment in order to be successful. When it comes to finishing concrete, the ideal time to do it is after the surface water has evaporated but while the concrete is still pliable and malleable. If you start troweling the concrete too soon, you will cause even more water to collect on the surface, which will result in a concrete surface that will eventually flake and disintegrate. If you wait too long to start troweling, you won’t be capable of creating a flat finish since the material won’t be pliable enough anymore. The amount of time that must pass before finishing the concrete varies according on the temperature of the air and how moist the concrete was to start.

Now that you have learned how to spend less on the concrete floor topping services, let’s now talk about the mistakes you have to avoid when you are hiring concrete floor topping services.

When it comes to becoming a homeowner, there is no better feeling than the sense of success that comes from completing your own home renovations. Let’s face it, this is the case. And why on earth not? Renovations and additions to a house are investments that will continue to demonstrate pride of ownership for many years to come. However, in order to successfully do certain home improvement tasks, you’ll need more than a toolbox and some basic DIY know-how. There are a few things that you should be aware of before beginning a do-it-yourself project to carry out concrete floor topping services, especially if you intend to complete the installation yourself. When people try their hand at doing work like this on their own, they frequently make the blunders that are detailed in the following list. Take a look at these common blunders in concrete floor topping services, and then determine whether or not it would be more beneficial to hire an expert.

1. Reinforcement Issue

Even though concrete is a very solid material, it does not have very much tensile strength in most circumstances. Reinforcing concrete is no longer required because it can be made considerably stronger without it. Concrete often becomes much more durable and can survive the test of time when it is combined with other materials like polymers and metal fibres in concrete floor topping services. In addition to this, as concrete dries, it hardens around the fibre, which results in a stronger and more long-lasting bond. Unfortunately, strengthening concrete is sometimes omitted because there is less time and money available.

2. Discoloration, Often Known as a Lack of Uniform Color

If you are working with ready-mix concrete in your concrete floor topping services and you also use it for the entrance patio, the two areas ought to have the same colour. Having said that, there are a few instances in which it is possible that it may not be uniform or that there will be strange discoloration. It is possible that the end result will have a different colour if, for instance, the correct quantity of water is not added to the mixture, or if another cement ingredient, such as calcium chloride, is utilised. It is also possible for the final colour to turn out incorrectly if you do not give it sufficient time to cure. Getting back to the subject of colour, if you want your concrete to be a colour other than the natural, off-white colour of cement, you should have a professional do the mixing and pouring for you instead of doing it yourself.

3. Utilization of Aged Cement

It is a known fact that cement, which is an essential component of concrete and concrete floor topping services, is a commodity that expires. In any of the projects that you are currently working on, you should make it a point to never utilise concrete mix of the “simply add water” variety or cement that is older than one year. Take notice that even freshly manufactured cement that contains lumps and irregularities should not be utilised to make concrete. The presence of hard lumps in cement is almost always an indication that it has become moist at some stage. Because of this, it loses the ability to toughen up and grow stronger over time.

4. Uneven Forms

The success of any concrete floor topping services is highly dependent on the forms you use. Primarily due to the fact that forms can play a role in determining the overall aesthetic of your finished project, in addition to preventing concrete from flowing into unintended regions and guaranteeing that it does not do so.

It is a well-known fact that building the forms and appropriately positioning them in the area that has been excavated can be a laborious task. However, despite the stringent requirements, it is well worth the effort to employ concrete floor topping services in the correct manner. Uneven shapes can have unpleasant and far-reaching repercussions, one of which is uneven concrete, and this is not the least of them. Therefore, be sure that this phase is finished correctly from the very beginning.

5. Incorrect Amount of Water Used

It is absolutely essential in concrete floor topping services to get the proportion of water to dry concrete just right. The wet concrete should ideally have a smooth texture, but it shouldn’t be runny, dry, or lumpy. However, the majority of homeowners make the mistake of adding too much water to the concrete. This is appealing because soft concrete is much simpler to work with than dry concrete. However, this is the mistake that most homeowners do. The problem, however, is that water has a tendency to make concrete weaker; this means that if you use runny concrete, you will be weakening the strength of the surface you are working on. Therefore, make sure you use the appropriate volume of water.

6. Fostering the Development of Premature Cracks

It is not unusual for an older concrete slab that has been used frequently for large cars or things to crack, but the slab should not crack for at least a few months after it has been cured. If something like this occurs, the cause can be the way it was installed. It is possible that the reason it is cracking so quickly is because you did not let it dry properly, that you failed to seal it, or that you used the incorrect reinforcements in doing concrete floor topping services.

7. Inappropriate Height

It is highly recommended that you calculate the final height of the concrete prior to beginning the concrete floor topping services. Pouring concrete at the correct level is important since failing to do so can result in extremely uneven surfaces created by the substance. If you fail to accurately measure the height of the object, you may be forced to restart the entire project. This will not only take up a lot of your time and energy, but it may also end up costing you money. If you are unsure of how high to build your slab, you can always check at the surfaces that are surrounding the area to get a better sense of a height that would be suitable for the project.

Why Choose EzyGrind for Concrete Floor Topping?

We’d like to believe that our years of experience in the industry have made us one of the most affordable concrete polishing and sealing professionals in the country. We also offer to beat any competitor quotes. Contact us today!

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